Girl Out of Order Podcast

#74 - Do You Know Who S.H.E. I.S.? Series Introduction

Christine Gale

EmpoWORDS: "I am my own muse. I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to know better." – Frida Kahlo

Welcome to our 1st series since December! In this episode, you'll be introduced to the S.H.E. I.S. model for identity creation because it's time to take ourselves back down to the studs. It's been a juicy year, filled with so many massive highs and some challenging dips. After my recent hysterectomy and the resulting pause, I've battled some self-doubt and allowed my old stories to infiltrate my new beautiful identity. It truly stunk, but I'm BACK!

This series is based upon my talk to the My Nashville Women's Power Luncheon where I talked about how to become a woman on a mission - our mission begins in the mirror. In this series, we will explore the S.H.E. I.S. acronym so we can anchor in our identity as we navigate life's eventful twists and turns. In this series, we’re getting back to the basics, focusing on five core elements that will anchor us as we move forward:

Hero (Becoming your own damn hero)
Essence (Honoring your unchanging values)
Inquiry (Living a life of curiosity)
Sword (More on this later—it’s a powerful one)

So grab your favorite cup of ____________, a journal and bring your open heart. It's time to recalibrate your identity and start locking in how your show up for your 1 beautiful life!


00:00 Introduction to the Series
02:46 Reorienting Identity Work
06:03 Embracing Change and Setting Goal
08:56 Healing and Self-Discovery
11:58 Introducing the She Is Model
17:52 The Components of the She Is Model
20:46 Community Engagement and Call to Action

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